Soho Factory: living, working, being
„Soho: Living, Working, Being” is an album presenting the past and the future of Kamionek – a postindustrial part of Warsaw. The book presents a broad spectrum of phenomena that make up the past, present and future of the area – from a medieval settlements, through a lush growth of industry in the XIXth and XXth centuries, ending with today’s revitalization plans of the Praga Południe district. The book consist a documentation of revitalization and animation activities undertaken by artists, animators and architects gathered around the Project Praga studio. The culmination of which is a plan of area’s development prepared by the architectural office WWAA for the whole quarter of Soho Factory – urban space for everyday life in all its aspects.
“The Kamionek district is a unique place, situated in the functional center of Warsaw. However, not many of the current dwellers do know and appreciate that it constitutes a part of Warsaw endowed with a distinct identity and culture. It is a place which boasts the Skaryszewski park – regarded by many the most beautiful park in the city – and the National Stadium. Kamionek is inhabited by a relatively small number of people, yet its educational and health-care infrastructure, in terms of the number of kindergartens, schools and clinics, is relatively well developed. It provides an exceptionally opportune setting that allows for further development of the area, for introducing new buildings and new dwellers, without overburdening the existing functional system of the district. All this means – however difficult it is to imagine today taking a walk along Mińska street, however almost totally abstract it may have seemed a few years back – that at some time in the future this area may become one of the most attractive and coveted Warsaw living quarters.”
Soho Factory: Living, Working, Being
Texts: Rafał Bauer, Marcin Garbacki, Marcin Mostafa, Natalia Paszkowska, Karolina Tunajek, Marta Wójcicka, Szymon Zydek
Editor: Szymon Zydek (AB Praca i Twórczość)
Graphic design: Syfon Studio
Publisher: Soho Factory
ISBN: 978-83-62787-00-5
Warszawa, 2014